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Workflows: "Welcome" to Graduate School
Productivity Keanu Heydari Productivity Keanu Heydari

Workflows: "Welcome" to Graduate School

Perhaps I made a mistake not getting a Master's degree before I applied for Ph.D. programs in history. Perhaps I made a mistake in not taking substantial time off after I got my Bachelor's degree. Perhaps, even, I should have considered more lucrative career options — in translation work, public relations, marketing, etc. Nevertheless, here I stand, I can do no other: in the fall of 2020, I will begin my third year in the History Ph.D. program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, working with Prof. Joshua Cole, author most recently of Lethal Provocation: The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French Algeria (2019, Cornell University Press). With the fall, "hell year" will commence: the year of my cohort's preliminary examinations (elsewhere called comprehensive exams, or "comps").

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